I just finished ten days of yoga. Not all day, every day. But I flowed through a yoga work-out every day for ten consecutive rotations of the planet.
If you’re seeking a bit of fine-tuning in your own life—more of this and less of that—I offer you my personal strategy: “Ten days of… [fill in the blank!]”
Ideas: speaking Korean, dancing salsa, jumping in the ocean, digitizing photo albums, reading scripture, eating vegan, playing harmonica, studying the ballot issues, gazing at stars – whatever course- correction suits your aspirations. Don’t be too goal-oriented. Allow for whimsy.
Focusing on something consistently for an hour or so daily for ten days can be a kick-starter, and move the needle on progress. And yet, ten days isn’t an eternity. It’s within reach. If you do embark on your own “Ten Days of …” please tell me how it goes. Next for me? Ten days of writing at Smiley Public Library in Redlands? Or maybe ten days of lap swimming.
My fave yoga resources: Ethereal Yoga Studio in Topanga Canyon, Yoga with Juris on YouTube, Vasa the Yoga Studio in Redlands, Love Roots Yoga Shala in Wrightwood, and Valley Salt Cave in Woodland Hills. Namaste!
With vigilance and love, from, Diana